Aplok Guns Addon (1.20, 1.19) MCPE/Berock - Minecraft PE & Mods
Are you tired of farming your sheep and cows on your farm with a sword or an axe in Minecraft? Then download the Aplock Guns addon pe and shoot real working guns in your own Minecraft world!

Aplok Guns Minecraft Addon
Minecraft only has a handful of weapons that you can viably use to beat Minecraft. Even for casual players, farming animals or defending yourself against monsters at night can become quite boring and repetitive when all you have is a sword or an axe. When it comes to ranged weapons, the Crossbow and Bow are the only options that you have, and no one likes to calculate the drop of each arrow they shoot.

Luckily, you can fix all your problems with the Aplok Guns mcpe addon. Just like the name suggests, Aplok Guns mcpe adds a wide array of Minecraft’s blocky pixelated-styled guns to the game. Now you not only get to choose a gun from all the ones that are added, but you can also craft them in survival. Giving Minecraft a completely different kind of survival mode.

Let’s take a look at the details and everything else the Aplok Guns addon pe adds to Minecraft.
- All guns added have Minecraft-styled pixelated and blocky textures.
- Unique sound effects for each gun including shooting, reloading, cocking, etc.
- Adds different ammo types for each and every weapon type for example SMGs, Assault Rifles, LMGs, etc.
- Adds a new interactable called the workbench, which is used to craft all the guns if you want to experience the guns solely in survival mode.
- An ammunition box that can spawn in different naturally spawning structures, which can contain ammo for any of the weapon types.
- Each gun has an Aim Down sight mechanic.
- All guns have their own run animations and ADS animations.
If you love guns and want to play around with them in your Minecraft world, then the Aplok Guns addon is your best option. Enjoy a large armory of guns with their own craftable parts and items in your very own Minecraft survival world!
You must enable Experimental Games: Holiday Creator Features & MoLang Features.
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