BETTER Minecraft
Enhance your overall experience by installing the Better Minecraft Modpack. We’ll be showing you which features to expect from the Better MODS!

The vanilla version of Minecraft has limitless ways that you can experience it from time and time again. However, with a modpack installed, you can go above and beyond with the amount of content that you want in your game, specifically with the Better Minecraft addon MCPE 1.19
The Better MODS Minecraft 1.19 is a modpack with over 60 MODS that are aimed at giving you a bunch of new content which includes biomes, recipes, plants, and even better decorations for your base! The Better Minecraft addon 1.19 turns your game into Minecraft 2.
How Much Depth Does Better MODS Minecraft Add?
Better Minecraft 1.19 will be adding the following new significant features to your game:
Tired of the same ol’ biomes that Minecraft has to offer you? With what the Better Addon MODS Minecraft has in store for you, you’ll experience everything that the “Biomes O’Plenty’ MOD has to offer you with mysterious regions that are sure to have your jaw dropped to the floor.
Better Gameplay
There aren’t just upgrades in the visual department in Better Minecraft addon MCPE, but in how you play the game as well. You’ll be fighting for survival with more than just your traditional survival toolkit. GRow more plants, use different recipes and utilize cool new weapons!
The Better MODS Minecraft Bedrock allows you to use the “Xaero’s Minimap” MOD. With it, you won’t get lost in the dense world of this newly custom-made Minecraft.
And Much More!
The three aforementioned features cover everything that the Better Minecraft MOD has to offer you in very broad terms. In reality, there are way more mods that provide you with new animations, civilizations, mobs, bosses and a better UI that helps you manage through the huge to-do list that the Better Minecraft Addon Bedrock will throw at you.
The best part? You can use the Better Minecraft Download on all platforms; iOS, Android and PC. Keep in mind that it is a fairly heavy mod and may not run as well on lower-end devices.